When you download mods from Nexus Mods, you can install them into the mods folder manually and manage their load order manually. To get access to all available mods on PC you can use mods from Nexus Mods.You can install from the mods menu in game, which allows you to mod on some consoles but is limited.How To Install Skyrim Special Edition Mods Good Skyrim Graphics Mods Starting List + Load Order.How To Install Skyrim Script Extender 64 (SKSE64).How To Setup Vortex Mod Manager For Skyrim Special Edition.How To Install Skyrim Special Edition Mods.(Click the links below to jump further down the article to the relevant section)

I haven’t had that experience myself and you should be fine, but it can happen. But it is going to step you very carefuly and clearly through the process of installing a modest number of mods that will significantly improve the graphics of Skyrim SE and leave you empowered to add a whole bunch more and experiment to your heart’s content.ĭisclaimer: Make sure to back up any saves before starting to mod your game, and be aware that it is possiblie to make mistakes during modding that will require you to completely reinstall Skyrim. It’s not going to be the most definitive or comprehensive. This is the guide I wish I had when I was first starting out.