Diablo 1 difficulty single player
Diablo 1 difficulty single player

diablo 1 difficulty single player

That will be of importance for some game aspects. To make things a bit more difficult: there is a distinction between near players in a party with you and unpartied players. Note: The player setting does not influence the quality of the dropped items! There’s an entirely different algorithm for that.

  • You’ll need more time for killing monsters.
  • In general one could say: the higher the player setting, the higher the monsters’ hit points and damage, the amount of experience gained and the frequency/amount of drops. “I cleared the whole Throne Room on p8”, meaning that all of Baal’s minion waves were defeated on a player setting of 8 players.

    diablo 1 difficulty single player diablo 1 difficulty single player

    In Single Player mode, open and non Multiplayer mode the player setting can be changed by the Players X Command.Ĭommon abbreviations are “pX” or “/pX”, e.g. the maximum number of players in one game). However, with every player joining a multiplayer game the player setting is increased by one up till a maximum of 8 (i.e. It has impact on monsters’ hit points, experience gained and drops. The Diablo 2 Players X setting gives an account of how many players are present in one game.

    Diablo 1 difficulty single player